Blackwood River Fishing: Locals Guide
Are you looking for a local river fishing spot that is family-friendly and heaps of fun?
Are you interested in trying Blackwood River fishing?
It’s a great place to fish, and there are plenty of good spots along the river, near Augusta and the mouth of the river, where you can catch King George Whiting, Herring, Black Bream, and other types of fish.
If you are fishing further upstream, you can also catch trout in the Blackwod River.
In this blog post, I’ll give you some tips on how to best fish the Blackwood River. I’ll also tell you about some of the best places to go fishing in the area. As a Margaret River local since 2016, and a mother to five boys who were literally born with a fishing rod in their hands, I’m excited to tell you everything you need to know about fishing in the Blackwood River, which is a personal favourite thing of mine to do with the whole family!
I also cover a bit of information on Blackwood River Trout Fishing as well, so if you’re looking for a new place to try your luck at fishing, be sure to check out the Blackwood River and read on!
Are you looking for information on other places to fish in the Margaret River Region? Here is my comprehensive guide about the 31 Best Places To Fish In Margaret River!

Where is the Blackwood River?
The Blackwood River is the largest river in the South West of Western Australia with an average annual flow of 940 gigalitres. It starts way up at the Yilgarn Plateau, near Kukerin, flowing southwest, crossing the Bannister Plain and Darling Plain, before turning south through the Scott Coastal Plain and discharging at the Hardy Inlet in Augusta.
It has its source more than 500km from where it enters the Southern Ocean in Augusta.
The two upper tributaries are the Arthur River and the Beaufort River.
Salinity can be high in the upper catchment as the land here has been cleared for agriculture, but downstream below Bridgetown, there is low salinity as the river flows mostly through the state forest.
What Type of Fish Can You Catch In The Blackwood River?
There are a lot of different fish species you can catch in the Blackwood River. Upstream, near Bridgetown and Nannup, you can fish for Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Freshwater Cobbler, and Redfin Perch. Around Alexandra Bridge and Warner Glen you will be able to target Black Bream.
Closer down to the mouth of the river, around Augusta, we have caught King George Whiting, Sand Whiting, Black Bream, Juvenile Salmon, Herring, Skippy, Flathead, Tailor, Mulloway, Flounder and Blue Swimmer Crabs. We have also seen Samson Fish swimming around the jetties, but have never had any luck catching them!

Where Can You Fish In The Blackwood River?
If you are looking for a list of Blackwood River fishing spots, here is a not-so-exhaustive list of places that you can try Blackwood River fishing in Augusta;
- Launch your boat at the Ellis Street Jetty and fish the Hardy Inlet, or the middle of the river
- Launch your boat from the Colourpatch and fish the estuary in front of you
- Stay at Molloy Hideaway Holiday Park, or on Molloy Island, and fish in these waters, either from land or on your boat
- Fish the Rivermouth at the Colourpatch
- Fish off the jetty at Ellis Street Jetty
- Alexandra Bridge (Alexandra Bridge fishing is great fun for the kids, and also doubles as an excellent place to camp!)
- Warner Glen Bridge and Chapman Pool
Trout Fishing Blackwood River
If you’d like to try your hand at Trout Fishing on the Blackwood River, or just want to try out some Bridgetown fishing or Nannup fishing, here is a not-so-exhaustive list of places you can try; (This list is useful for Blackwood River Fishing in Bridgetown and Blackwood River Fishing in Nannup)
- Great North Road
- Any of the rough 4WD tracks off of Denny Road, some of them lead to rapids which is a prime spot to fish for trout, however, others lead to deep quiet pools where trout hang out
- Jalbarragup and Longbotttom Road Bridges – just keep in mind that there is a public access corridor on both sides of the river but most of the frontage is not accessible without permission to cross private land
- St Johns Brook, Nannup Brook, Carlotta Brook
- Network of gravel roads that can be accessed from Balingup-Nannup Road
- Wrights Bridge Campsite
- Balingup Brook
- Southhampton Road Bridge
- Maranup Ford Road Bridge
- Maranup Brook, Mokerdillup Brook, Gregory Brook, and Geegellup Brook

When Is The Best Time Of Year To Go Fishing In The Blackwood River?
If you are fishing the Blackwood River near Augusta, I think any time of the year is a good time to fish. Sometimes during winter and after heavy rains, it can be a bit slower and this is due to the freshwater that is washing down the river.
However, I wouldn’t let this stop you from trying! We have personally caught fish year-round in the river, even when it was cold, raining, and the river was full of fresh water.
If you are fishing for trout in the Blackwood River, the best times to try and catch them are;
- During late autumn and early winter, when the water temperature is dropping and the first rains flush down the main river and brooks. This is when the trout that have been sheltering in the deep, dark pools over summer will become more active in the search for food.
- During late spring to early summer, when there is still plenty of water flowing and the water is clear. As water levels continue to drop and the water temperature rises, the fish will congregate at the mouths of brooks where there is still cold water flowing into the river.

Where Can You Catch Trout In The Blackwood River?
Trout can be found in the Blackwood River from Hut Pool to above Bridgetown, with more than 200km of the fishable river between the two locations. The best trout waters are between Wrights Bridge and Nannup.
The Blackwood River was first stocked with trout in 1896 with brown trout fly from Whitby Falls hatchery. In 1905, brown and rainbow trout fry were released from the Mundaring hatchery.
From the 1930s, brown and rainbow trout were released from the hatchery in Pemberton, but it wasn’t an annual event until 1968, when they started releasing yearlings into the Blackwood River, and the fry into a number of tributaries including Carlotta, Balingup, Hesters, Maranup, Mokerdillup, Nannup, St. Johns and St. Pauls Brook.
If you are going to try and catch trout in the Blackwood River, you will need a Freshwater Fishing License, and with this license, you have the following restrictions (as of the time of writing, August 2022);
- You make take a combined total of four fish of the following species; rainbow trout, brown trout, and freshwater cobbler
- Rainbow and brown trout must have a minimum size of 300mm and any undersize fish must gently be returned to the water
- If you catch any pest species, such as redfin perch, carp, or tilapia, they must NOT be returned to the water and should be humanely euthanized, with dead fish not left on the shore
These rules are subject to change at any time, please check here for current regulations.

What Do You Need To Take When You Go Fishing In The Blackwood River?
You don’t need to make things complicated when you go fishing in the Blackwood River near Augusta. Here is a list of things you need;
- A 2kg-4kg rod (you shouldn’t need anything too big or fancy)
- 10-15lb mono (nothing too light or too heavy)
- Small hooks
- Swivel
- Small sinkers (try with and without a sinker, both should work)
- Bait – we normally use mulies, cut into strips no bigger than a five cents piece, but you could also squid and prawns, or lures if you’re really keen
- A Western Australian Fisheries measure sticker – you can normally pick these up anywhere that sells bait or tackle shops
- A bucket to hold your catch!
Locals Tip: If you have a small mesh net, try catching glass shrimp for bait (or get the kids to!)
Final Tips On Catching Fish In The Blackwood River
Here are a few final tips;
- Fish early in the morning or late in the afternoon, when the sun isn’t too high in the sky. The fish will be more active and less likely to be spooked by your presence.
- If you are fishing from the bank, keep a low profile and be as quiet as possible.
- If you are wading, be careful not to stir up too much mud and sand, which can scare the fish away.
- Use light tackle so you can enjoy the fight when you do hook a fish.
- Don’t forget your sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water. The sun can be quite harsh in Western Australia, even when it’s not that hot!
If you’re wondering where to stock up on gear before you go fishing, check out my comprehensive list of Camping, Fishing and Diving Shops in the Margaret River Region.
I hope you have a great time fishing in the Blackwood River. Let me know how you go, and feel free to share any of your own tips with us!

If you’re looking for a great place to go fishing, the Blackwood River is definitely worth checking out.
You’ll find plenty of different types of fish in these waters, so it’s a great spot for both beginners and experienced anglers alike.
Just be sure to pack everything you need before heading out, and follow our tips on how to catch fish in this river for the best results. Who knows – maybe you’ll even land that big one!
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